11 Weird Home Remedies That Our Grandparents Used and That Actually Work!

Even nowadays my grandparents always suggest a weird treatments when I get a minor injury. Not long ago I fell down the stairs and my grandma told me to boil an egg and to rub it while it is still hot over my swollen ankle. And guess what, it actually worked. The swelling disappeared within an hour and I was as good as new.

Furthermore, read about some really weird home remedies.


  • Raisins as a Treatment for Arthritis

According to my grandparents, raisins are excellent for calming arthritis symptoms. What you need to do is soak some golden raisins in a few spoonfuls during the night. Raisins have anti-inflammatory properties and when combined with the juniper berries that are used to make gin, the swelling will be reduces and the pain calmed.

  • Eliminate Bad Breath with Celery

The answer to bad breath lies in celery. All you need to do is stick a bunch of celery in your mouth and chew it good in order to eliminate your bad breath.

  • Treat your Earache with Lemons

It looks like that squeezing some lemon on an ear bud and putting it in your ear for about a minute is going to calm your earache. This is because the lemon juice stabilizes the pH levels, thus making your ears healthy again.

  • Nettles for Hair Loss

Nettle leaves are rich in calcium, protein, iron, phosphorus, beta-carotene, magnesium, B complex and vitamins A, C and D. A number of these vitamins are ideal for hair maintenance and hair growth. All you need to do is put 4 to 6 nettle leaves in cup, and pour boiling water over them.

Note: Nettle leaves are rich in silica and it can be dangerous at high doses, so consume this tea in moderation.

  • Yams for Menopause

Many people confuse sweet potatoes and yams, but they are very different. Yams are darker in color and their skin is rougher and thicker. Yams are abundant in vitamin C and also contain vitamin A. This is going to balance your hormones and is going to reduce cholesterol due to its high fiber content.

  • Olives for Motion Sickness

Olives are rich in tannins, which can prevent saliva production. We all know that too much saliva in the mouth can be disgusting.

  • Baking Soda for Urinary Tract Infection

Add some baking soda in a glass of water and drink it. The symptoms of your UTI will soon disappear. The baking soda makes the bladder more alkaline, thus preventing the multiplying of harmful bacteria. Nevertheless, if the symptoms persist, you need to visit a doctor.

  • Treat Indigestion with Dried Apricots

Dried apricots are abundant in dietary fiber, which promotes digestion and prevents bloating. So, in case you feel bloated after having a meal, eat a few dried apricots and continue with your day.

  • Treat Spider Bites with Potatoes

Raw potatoes possess anti-inflammatory and anti-itch properties, so they are ideal for treating spider bites. All you need to do is wrap a potato with a thin cloth or a bandage and rub the affected area in a gentle manner.

Source: Little Things

The post 11 Weird Home Remedies That Our Grandparents Used and That Actually Work! appeared first on Health & Weight Loss Done!.

Credits:Admin, source

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The Surprising Health Benefits of Beer

Many people like to drink a cold beer on a hot day. It’s also common to have one with friends or when watching your favorite sports team.

While many who see beer as just another alcoholic drink, beer actually provides with several beneficial compounds and benefits. 

Beer has a larger amount of protein and vitamin B than wine. It also has similar levels of antioxidants. And besides all of that, this drink has hops.

Hops are a great source of flavonoids and minerals that help some of your metabolic processes.

Keep reading to learn how that refreshing cold beer can actually benefit your health. We’re sure that after reading it you’ll want to reach for a cold one…

Beer fights cancer.



Xantohumol is a flavonoid compound that is found in hops. This compound has a fundamental role in cancer prevention on a chemical level.

Beer is also a significant source of polyphenols. This is because of the grains that are fermented to make this drink. These polyphenols make beer even better for fighting cancer than drinking red wine.

It prevents heart disease.

Beer has vitamin B6, which is important in heart health. Thanks to this, it helps protect against heart disease. It also prevents the accumulation of homocysteine, an amino acid that your body makes that damages your arteries.

In addition, beer makes your blood a little thinner. This helps to prevent the formation of blood clots. These clots are dangerous because they can block your arteries. They can also cause or aggravate other heart problems.

Drinking beer in moderate amounts also reduces your risk of suffering from several other problems. These include inflammation that produces arteriosclerosis and the accumulation of plaque in your blood vessels.

It increases your bone density.



Drinking beer in moderate amounts reduces the risk of suffering from fractures. This means that it can help you to avoid or reverse some bone problems such as Osteoporosis and bone degeneration that come with aging.

This is good news if you have a family history of bone problems.

It prevents anemia.

Beer helps avoid some vitamin and mineral deficiencies and prevents anemia. It’s especially a good source of vitamin B12 and folic acid. 

Vitamin B12 is important for normal growth, good memory, and good concentration.

It prevents premature aging.

Drinking beer increases the effects of vitamin E.

This vitamin is an important oxidant for how your body looks. Basically, it makes you look better. In fact, it has positive effects on your skin and slows the signs of aging.

It reduces your risk of gallstones.



Drinking a moderate amount of beer regularly has a positive effect on your cholesterol levels.

This diminishes the amount of bile your body creates. As a result, it significantly reduces the risk of getting gallstones.

It prevents dementia and coronary disease.

Beer does more than control your levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). It also increases your good cholesterol (HDL) between 10% and 20%.

By doing this, it reduces the risk of problems like dementia and cardiovascular diseases.

It reduces kidney stones.

Beer has a high potassium content and a low sodium content. Also, it’s rich in magnesium. All of these combined translate to a reduced risk of getting kidney stones.

On the other hand, the silicon in beer is easily absorbed. This is one of the reasons it protects against osteoporosis.

It’s a good diuretic.



You’ve probably noticed that after drinking a couple of beers, you have to use the restroom.

This is because beer is an effective diuretic. This will help you to eliminate toxins and other waste that your body doesn’t need through your urine.

It reduces stress.

Beer, like most alcohol, has a relaxing effect on people and considerably reduces your levels of stress. It can even help you to fall asleep more easily.

It cleans your intestinal tract.



Above all, beer is an excellent source of soluble fibers.

These promote general health. Of course, this includes heart health and contributes to a cleaner intestinal tract.

Moderation is Key

These are only some of the benefits that drinking beer can provide. However, it’s important that you understand that you shouldn’t try to drink pint after pint of beer every day.

If you drink it in moderation, you also make sure that you aren’t drinking any unneeded calories. After all, extra calories could negatively affect your health.

Since it is an alcoholic beverage, it’s important to remember that beer can be addictive if drunk in excess. This is one of important reasons to drink it in moderation.

The post The Surprising Health Benefits of Beer appeared first on Step To Health.

Credits:Timothy, source

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