Meet Stevie, My Blind Rescued Cat Who Loves To Go Hiking

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Stevie is a blind rescued cat I adopted 4 years ago from a local shelter in Cork, Ireland. She’s a natural explorer and loves to accompany me on hikes in the beautiful Irish countryside and the surrounding mountains. When we go hiking together, she usually prefers to explore all by herself and follows my sounds but she also walks alongside me on a leash or balances on my shoulders with ease!

Life has been pretty busy lately, I’ve recently become a father of two and my fiancee and I are also saving up to buy our first house but Stevie continues to be a very important part of my life as she’s always been – we’re inseparable!

Currently, we’re planning a big hike in March 2016 where we’ll tackle Ireland’s highest mountain Carrauntoohil to raise money for animal welfare in Ireland. Stevie has always been an inspiration for me and continues to be with her courage, tenacity and her great love of life!

More info: Instagram | Youtube | GoFundMe

Meet my cat Stevie, who is an expert mountaineer!

Stevie is a blind rescued cat I adopted 4 years ago from a local shelter in Cork, Ireland

She’s a natural explorer and loves to accompany me on hikes in the beautiful Irish countryside

Since she’s blind, Stevie navigates with a combination of her senses

Her sense of smell is extremely sharp

She keeps low to the ground so her whiskers can detect her immediate surroundings

She uses her paws to judge distances to make sure she doesn’t fall off ledges

Stevie usually prefers to explore all by herself and follows my sounds

Currently, we’re planning a big hike in March 2016 to raise money for animal welfare in Ireland

Stevie has always been an inspiration for me and continues to be with her courage, tenacity and her great love of life

She is a very important part of my life – we’re inseparable!

And that’s me with her

I also made a video about her

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