Skier Swings An iPhone 6 Around His Head For A Matrix-like “Bullet Time” Effect

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If you think that capturing epic footage of extreme sports requires some fancy equipment, you’re about to change your mind. Nicolas Vuignier, a professional skier, has taken selfies on a whole different level. He’s created a stunning Matrix-like video of his ski run by swinging his iPhone 6 around his head.

The 25-year-old Swiss calls his experiment “Centriphone” and, according to the man himself, it took him almost two years of tinkering and tweaking to achieve the desired result. But it has definitely paid off, as the footage is absolutely breathtaking (and yes – the phone still works!).

By the way, Nicolas has promised to make a tutorial on how to make this work, so stay tuned!

More info: Nico.skiYoutube | TumblrFacebookInstagram |  (h/t: Gizmodo)


Watch the stunning video below:

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