10 Times The Universe Just Lined Up Perfectly

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Are you a believer in happenstance? Well I wasn’t until I saw this intriguing gallery of images! Most of us think that the world is a pretty chaotic place. But in fact, moments of total serendipity are everywhere. Far from being chaotic, the universe creates millions of perfect – if not accidental – moments.

I don’t want you guys to think I’m some sort of freakish druid hiding out in the forest, casting spells with precious stones and a black cat – but here are 10 crazy moments where the universe lined up just perfectly. Tell me you don’t believe in happenstance after this.

1. The sequel to a classic


2. Provocative lorries


3. I didn’t know that lumberjacks had their own bars


4. Ouch


Thankfully, those guys at the end managed to have a laugh about their plate predicament! Flick over to the next page to see a host of other moments where the universe showed us all about coincidence.

The post 10 Times The Universe Just Lined Up Perfectly appeared first on Viral Thread.

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