23 Celebrities Who Killed Their Career In A Matter Of Seconds

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Celebrities are perfect human beings with rippling abs, permanently manicured hands, and a hair never out of place. But underneath their physically perfect forms are deeply flawed human beings who make mistakes. Every once in a while, their mistakes are so bad that they result in their careers shattering around them like an elephant in a glass factory.

1. OJ Simpson

In 1995, Simpson was acquitted of the 1994 murders of his ex-wife after a lengthy and internationally publicised criminal trial. In September 2007, Simpson was arrested in Las Vegas and charged with numerous felonies, including armed robbery and kidnapping. He was found guilty in 2008 and sentenced to 33 years in prison.


2. Aaron Hernandez

Aaron Hernandez had a multi million dollar contract extension with the Patriots when he murdered his friend and haphazardly disposed of the body and evidence.


3. Mark Salling

Mark played Noah Puckerman on Glee, but his time in the limelight came to a sudden end last year when he was arrested for having hundreds of pictures of child porn on his PC.


4. Lance Armstrong

Lance’s incredible cycling career was brought crashing down after it was discovered he had been using performance-enhancing drugs.


The post 23 Celebrities Who Killed Their Career In A Matter Of Seconds appeared first on Viral Thread.

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