Dana White Just Revealed Why He’s Not To Blame For Conor McGregor And UFC 200

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If you have been anywhere near the internet over the last few days, you’ll be fully aware of the meltdown that occurred following the news that Conor McGregor was apparently ‘retiring’. Of course we now know that he won’t be hanging up his grappling gloves for good, phew. Instead he had just fallen out with the people at the top of the game.

Fantatics of the sport rejoiced when The Notorious, who was initially removed from the supercard, was reinstated. Then yesterday it was announced that those in charge had changed their minds again and the Irishman won’t be fighting Nate Diaz at UFC 200.


Naturally MMA enthusiasts around the globe wanted someone to blame for the alteration to the main event, and the President of the UFC, Dana White, was their primary target. However, he has since revealed that he is not to blame for the switch up…

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