Girl Catches Boyfriend Cheating While Hiding In His Trunk Live Tweets The Whole Thing

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With today’s technology it’s almost impossible to do anything without leaving some sort of evidence behind. You can’t even get away with calling in sick anymore because inevitably, you’ll get tagged in a picture partying way too hard for someone that is supposedly suffering with the flu.

Here at Viral Thread we’re no strangers to catching people out on social media. In fact, the internet is plastered with stories about how people have caught their significant other cheating online. This story is not that much different to all the others, except… it totally is!

@vickto_willy went so above and beyond to catch her boyfriend cheating that she ended up in the trunk of his car. She uploaded videos and live-tweeted the situation. This is by far the most intense cheating story we’ve ever seen.

And so the story begins…

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There are several gaps in between her tweets. This may be because she has deleted them. 

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The post Girl Catches Boyfriend Cheating While Hiding In His Trunk, Live Tweets The Whole Thing appeared first on Viral Thread.

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