Girl Shaves Her Cat Into The Back Of Her Head So She’d Always Be With Her

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Like cats? Like funky hairstyles? Ever thought about combining the two? No, I don’t mean giving your cat a mohawk. I mean shaving your cat into the back of your head!

Russian Instagram user Katichka has certainly thought about it. In fact, she’s done more than think about it. She’s actually done it. Take a look at the pictures below to see the result for yourself.

“I always take my sleepy cat with me,” reads the message she posted alongside the picture. The style follows a new trend called hair tattoos, where an image or pattern is shaved into an undercut beneath the hair at the back of the head. The picture remains hidden and is only revealed when you brush your hair aside.

The skills behind the scissors is St. Petersburg-based hairdresser Aliya Askarova, so you know where to go if you’re looking for a new haircut.

More info: Instagram







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