Group Chat Goes Viral After One Guy Asks About Cooking Eggs

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Group chats are this generation’s conference call. They are the bedrock of every friendship group, boring us and delighting us in equal measure. While we’re all happy to be officially part of a group, when we wake up each morning to hundreds of messages roasting your friend because they accidentally posted a message that was meant for their mum, we begin to wish we stuck to good old-fashioned snail mail.

One group chat took getting roasted to a whole new level with a hilarious egg-related prank on their unsuspecting friend. The egg-cellent post has gained over 5,000 retweets and more than 6,000 likes since it was shared on Twitter by group chat member Sean.


The chat, which you can read on the next page, started off innocently enough, with Liam asking the group for the quietest way to make a delicious eggy treat.

The post Group Chat Goes Viral After One Guy Asks About Cooking Eggs appeared first on Viral Thread.

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