Photoshop Battle Of Bryan Cranston With A Mullet Is Next Level Jokes

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As you all know, it doesn’t take much for reddit to explode and for a Photoshop war to be declared. Sometimes it’s a picture of a woman holding a fish, but this time it’s about our favourite drug-dealing high school chemistry teacher. Yes people, Walter White (or more accurately Bryan Cranston) is the centre of a Photoshop phenomenon sweeping the internet.

Someone posted a picture of a young Cranston sporting what can only be described as a mullet, which of course is brilliant in itself. Throw in a hilarious pose however, and you have some viral gold.

Here is the photo that started off the whole wonderful craze


If you don’t think that’s funny, then there is something deeply wrong with you. In the words of the great Walter White, “tread lightly”, because some of these Photoshop efforts are absolutely brilliant and will have you in tears of laughter. Check them out in all their glory on the next page.

The post Photoshop Battle Of Bryan Cranston With A Mullet Is Next Level Jokes appeared first on Viral Thread.

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