Prince Was Allegedly Diagnosed With AIDS Six Months Before He Died

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On the 21st April the world was shaken by the news that music legend Prince passed away at the age of 57. At the time it was noted that Prince was discovered with opioid medication on his person. That being said, with no obvious signs of foul play or suicide apparent, it was confirmed that everyone would have to wait for the autopsy to discover the official cause of death.


According to the National Enquirer, sources have come forward to reveal that Prince was in fact suffering from AIDS; he had been diagnosed with this six months before his passing. The Enquirer also noted that Prince was diagnosed with HIV back in the 90s which developed into AIDS in the later part of last year.

Continue over the next page to find out why Prince refused treatment.

The post Prince Was Allegedly Diagnosed With AIDS Six Months Before He Died appeared first on Viral Thread.

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