Red Hot Nickel Ball Gets Dropped In A Bowl Of Glitter, Looks F*cking Magical

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As anyone who’s been to a kid’s birthday party will know, glitter is essentially the most evil substance ever invented. It sticks to your skin longer than the world’s strongest perfume, meaning you’ll still be finding little chunks of sparkly wonder on your face weeks after you first came into contact with it.

This is probably why a video of glitter getting completely obliterated by a red hot ball of nickel is doing so well. The video, which you can watch on the next page, is like a passive aggressive way to get back at all the sugar-high kids who have ever smushed their glittery little hands all over your face.

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YouTube user carsandwater has been tapping into the internet’s love for all things destructive with his video series in which he tests various objects against a red hot ball of nickel.

The post Red Hot Nickel Ball Gets Dropped In A Bowl Of Glitter, Looks F*cking Magical appeared first on Viral Thread.

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