Snoop Dogg Calls Out Arnold Schwarzenegger In Racist Video Rant

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I thought Arnold Schwarzenegger was the most loved celebrity on the planet. Snoop Dog however has released a video on Instagram, which is incredibly disparaging about the former governor of California. In the video he calls Schwarzenegger “a racist piece of shit.”

The reason Snoop is so angry dates back to 2011, when Schwarzenegger decided to reduce the manslaughter sentence for Esteban Nuñez, the son of one of his political allies Fabian Nuñez, a former California Assembly speaker. Esteban was convicted of stabbing a college student, and was sentenced to 16 years. However after Schwarzenegger’s intervention his sentence was reduced to only seven. He’s about to be released on parole for good behaviour, and Snoop is not happy about it.

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Click onto the next page to see Snoop’s full video, it might make you wince once or twice, but it’s undoubtedly worth a watch.

The post Snoop Dogg Calls Out Arnold Schwarzenegger In Racist Video Rant appeared first on Viral Thread.

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