Your Computer Has One Piece Of Software That you Need To Delete Right Now

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If you’ve not yet jumped on the Apple bandwagon and are rocking a PC, you’ll want to listen up to this very important piece of advice that will protect your precious device from harm.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Apple has stopped issuing security updates to its video player QuickTime on any devices running Windows. This means that any issues in the software won’t be patched up from now on, making all Windows devices running the programme susceptible to hackers.


The only way to completely ensure QuickTime is not infecting your Windows computer is to remove the software completely. Think you knew how to remove a piece of software completely? Think again. Head over to the next page for instructions on how to properly delete the programme from your computer so you won’t be infected with any nasty bugs.

The post Your Computer Has One Piece Of Software That you Need To Delete Right Now appeared first on Viral Thread.

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