12+ Baby Foxes That Are Too Cute To Be True

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International Baby Fox Day doesn’t actually exist, but looking at these pictures, we think that it should. Sparrows get a day (March 20). Penguins get a day (April 25). Turtles get a day (May 23). So why not baby foxes? We have no idea, but in the absence of an international observance for these unbearably cute critters, Bored Panda has compiled this list in homage to one of nature’s most photogenic mammals. It’s guaranteed to make a rainy day sunny and a sunny day sunnier, so wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, prepare to have your day made better.

Random fox fact! Did you know that a male fox is actually called a dog? No, neither did we. But it’s true. A male dog is not however called a fox, despite what you might think.

Baby Foxes Cottage Life

My father’s tail is my favorite toy!

Wild Arctic fox in Iceland

Sweet Dreams

Baby Fox

Arctic Fox

Baby Fox

Baby Foxes

Baby Fox

Baby Fox

Baby Fox

Baby Foxes

Baby Fox

Baby Fox

Cheeky Arctic Fox Cub

Kit Fox Pup

Enjoying Winter


Sweet dream of red fox cub

Arctix Fox Baby

A young fox cub first day out

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