12 People Seriously Struggling To Make Their Way Through Life

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As you’re probably aware, some people just struggle at life more than others. I’m not sure whether it’s stupidity, a lack of common sense, or a combination of the two – but some people just make the simplest tasks look really, really stressful.

In this list, we have some people who make everyday life look like a pitch battle. Part of me feels bad laughing at these perennial no-hopers, but part of me thinks that unless  we do, they’ll never learn how to do life properly…

1. So many question, so few answers…


2. I think there is just an age where you stop caring about anything


3. How long do you think she stood in line?


4. This is what happens when you refuse to remove your belt


If you enjoyed watching our first four participants fail at life, I can assure you there is more to come on the next page. In fact, I think I’d go as far as saying the next ones are even better (or worse depending on how you look at it).

The post 12 People Seriously Struggling To Make Their Way Through Life appeared first on Viral Thread.

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