The world is jam-packed with a rather large number of outrageously weird people. You only have to watch the news for a matter of moments to realise that. Or, if you’re me, all you have to do is look in the mirror. It therefore should come as no great surprise that the internet is bursting with a plethora of odd things.
Strange and at times unsettling content is always flourishing in the shadows of the web, occasionally it makes its way to the forefront and makes us all feel a little uncomfortable. Feast your eyes on the following images to see what I mean. I offer you my apologies in advance.
1. An exit sign in lowercase letters
2. A tree wearing underwear
3. A sliced bread monstrosity
4. A fully peeled LEMON
If you thought the peeled lemon above was bizarre, you should see what’s going on with the avocado on the next page…
The post 15 Photos Guaranteed To Make You Feel Extremely Uncomfortable appeared first on Viral Thread.