Afrika Bambaataa Flat-Out Denies Child Molestation Allegations

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Afrika Bambaataa, known as “The Godfather” and “Amen Ra of Hip Hop Kulture” has been accused of molesting hundreds of boys. Alleged victims have been coming forward to point the finger at Bambaataa and detail their traumatic stories. To make matters worse for Bambaataa (whose real name is Kevin Donovan), his ex bodyguard Shariyf Ali Bey came forward to claim that his former employer has been molesting boys since the 1970s.


Shamsideen Shariyf Ali Bey stated: “When I went with him on tour in the states, I’d stay in one room, and he would have boys in the room with him…Since the 70s, it’s been hundreds…I can say I’ve walked in on stuff where I say, what the f–k is going on?” Shariyf also added: “He made a lot of people suffer. He needs to be held accountable.”

Now Afrika Bambaataa has stepped forward to defend his name and attempt to undo some of the damage these rumours have caused his career and reputation. Continue over the page to watch the video where Bambaataa speaks out to FOX.

The post Afrika Bambaataa Flat-Out Denies Child Molestation Allegations appeared first on Viral Thread.

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