Canadian Family Livestream Their House Being Utterly Destroyed By Wildfire

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Most of you will have heard that Canada has been suffering from severe wildfires that have claimed 1,600 homes and other buildings over the last few days. Now finally beginning to dissipate, the fires have been causing untold damage, making it Canada’s costliest ever natural disaster. Now it’s time for the disaster relief plan to take over, it seems.

With insurance costs alone already running into billions of dollars, residents of Fort McMurray have been evacuated from their homes thanks to some excellent emergency disaster management. Thankfully no deaths or injuries have been reported from the fire itself, but two people did die in traffic accidents during the frenzied evacuations.


While nobody was around to see the fire tear through their homes, James O’Reilly watched his family’s home burn to the ground by viewing the property’s security camera on his iPhone. Deciding to livestream the footage online, it’s an amazing insight into the destructive power of Mother Nature. Flick over to the next page to see O’Reilly’s footage in all it’s glory.

The post Canadian Family Livestream Their House Being Utterly Destroyed By Wildfire appeared first on Viral Thread.

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