Chewbacca Mum Drove James Corden To Work And It Was Incredible

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In case you’re not exactly sure who Chewbacca mum is, then I’ll have to assume you do not correctly know how to internet. Candace Payne AKA Chewbacca mum’s video went certified viral towards the end of last week, amassing over 140 million views in the space of a few days.

If your memory needs to be refreshed, check out the hilarious original video below. If you don’t laugh out loud, then there’s something very wrong with you.

So what’s the next logical step after going certified viral? Getting in a car with James Corden and JJ Abrams, of course. The video, which you can see over on the next page, speaks to the true power of the internet. What else would result in a random mum wearing a Chewbacca mask getting to carpool with the director of one of the most successful science fiction franchises of all time?

The post Chewbacca Mum Drove James Corden To Work And It Was Incredible appeared first on Viral Thread.

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