Dr. Pimple Popper Reveals Her Filthiest Video To Date

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Yes, spots and cysts are disgusting. Yes, I did draw the short straw when it came to writing this article. When it comes to morbid curiosity, I’m the only one in this office with a gag reflex able to stand up to the graphic videos of Dr. Pimple Popper, aka Dr. Sandra Lee.

A viral sensation a few times over, Dr. Lee has taken on some pretty gross challenges. This one however may be her greatest. The patient in her latest video has a lump the size of a melon located on her shoulder, and it’s as bad as you can imagine.


So now you’ve seen the lump before the procedure, don’t you want to witness the procedure itself? Of course you do, you’re brave. You’re not going to vomit at the sight of a little lipoma are you? The next page holds the information you seek, so continue on brave adventurer.

The post Dr. Pimple Popper Reveals Her Filthiest Video To Date appeared first on Viral Thread.

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