Drinking This Alcoholic Drink Before Bed Will Help You Keep Weight Off, According To Study

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The first question that springs to my mind when reading the title of this article is, “but I binge drink every Friday night, you don’t see me losing any weight?” Actually, when I eat I want to eat everything in sight. But binge drinking isn’t the type of drinking we’re talking about here.


In more bad news, the miracle alcohol isn’t beer. I know, I know! We all love a couple of beers at the end of a long day and what could be better – beer that didn’t give us a big belly but rather, gave us toned abs. OK, I am getting way ahead of  myself here.

The lovely and delicious alcohol beverage that is said to help you keep weight off – according to science – is on the next page.

The post Drinking This Alcoholic Drink Before Bed Will Help You Keep Weight Off, According To Study appeared first on Viral Thread.

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