Girl Sends Her Boyfriend To Buy Her Make-Up… Hilarity Ensues

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As a girl who wears make-up on a daily basis, I know how complex, confusing, and daunting the world of cosmetics can be. So when one girl gave her boyfriend the special task of going to the store and picking up some make-up for her, I became a little worried that a breakup might be at the bottom of the stream of messages.

What happened in reality, however, was one of the funniest boyfriend/girlfriend conversations I’ve ever read. So if you’re ever asked by your significant other to fulfil a mundane task you’d really rather not do, I’d advise you to take a leaf out of this guy’s book.

“My beautiful sunshine”


“I should of went”


“Just tell the kid you’re gay”


“That looks like nail polish”


Over on the next page, My Beautiful Sunshine’s guy gets a little confused by the words “bright” and “light”, and draws the best lipstick swatch ever seen.

The post Girl Sends Her Boyfriend To Buy Her Make-Up… Hilarity Ensues appeared first on Viral Thread.

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