I’ve done myself a few painful injuries playing five-a-side football (mainly due to lack of fitness), but nothing that has forced me to call for an accident injury lawyer. Sadly playing any kind of sport involves a slight risk, with one young man coming off particularly badly after going for a kickabout.
I’d like to introduce you to Samuel Bowles, a married 25-year-old mature student at the University of Warwickshire. Instead of pulling his groin like most amateur footballers, Samuel went one step further and lost a finger during one of his Thursday night sessions. Is it time to start hunting for accident injury lawyers?
As anyone who has played five-a-side football knows, the ball always ends up going over the fence at one point. Once the ball goes over the fence, there is inevitably one guy who tries to climb over and get it (often to no avail). On this occasion, this one guy was Samuel.
One thing you need to know about Samuel before we continue… he has a pretty dodgy-sounding bowel condition. To combat the condition (and to make sure he’s not having accidents all day) he has to take steroids. A side-effect of these steroids is that Samuel becomes pretty energetic – hence his fence climbing antics. Want to see Samuel’s graphic injuries? Flick over to the next page to get all the gory details. Lawyers for car wrecks see less blood than this I imagine…
The post Guy Loses Finger In Five-A-Side Football And The Photos Are Horrific appeared first on Viral Thread.