Back when I was at university I swallowed a rather large dog biscuit and it got lodged in my throat. In short, it was a dare and my friend had to perform the heimlich manoeuvre on me because I started to choke. Luckily it came flying out and my face returned to a healthier shade of pink, as oppose to blue.
The point I am trying to make here by sharing that embarrassing anecdote with you all is that swallowing can be hard. Hey you naughty things, I’m talking about objects, not what’s probably on your mind. However, apparently it’s not a problem for one particular prisoner in Ireland.
An unnamed 29-year-old inmate has managed to gobble down a whole MOBILE PHONE! Yes, you read that correctly. I’m sure you’ve all heard or seen skilled performers swallowing swords and the like, but what about a phone? I think that’s pretty much unheard of.
Check out how the device was uncovered and how doctors set to remove the device on the next page…
The post Horrific Photos Of A Prisoner Who Swallowed A Mobile Phone Whole appeared first on Viral Thread.