Lauryn Hill Fans BLAST The Singer To Her FACE After She Arrives To Her Gig TWO Hours Late!

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Despite creating one of the best hip hop albums of the 90s, Lauryn Hill has always has a tense relationship with the music business thanks to her sometimes bizarre behaviour. This time round she fell foul of some of her own fans, after turning up two hours late to a show in Atlanta. What made matters worse however, was that the star only sang for 40 minutes, thanks to the venue’s 11pm curfew.

Fans were understandably outraged by Hill’s late arrival, with one taking on the star head-to-head in a revealing video which was put on Twitter. Others booed Hill as she took the stage, which clearly rattled the Everything Is Everything star.

Hill claimed in the video that her driver got lost on the way to the venue, saying “I can’t control that.” However the fan then challenged her again by telling her that he lived across the street from the venue and heard her in soundcheck. Hill failed to apologise for her actions, with the fan calling her “unprofessional.” Flick over to the next page to see the moment that Hill’s mic was cut off in the middle of her set. Maybe her fans would be better off listening to her tunes via file sharing software.

The post Lauryn Hill Fans BLAST The Singer To Her FACE After She Arrives To Her Gig TWO Hours Late! appeared first on Viral Thread.

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