Police Warn Facebook Users Not To Use The New “Reaction” Icons

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When Facebook launched its new Reactions feature back in February, we were all overjoyed to be given an option other than just “Like” to express our feeling towards a post. For years, users had called for a “Dislike” button, which would allow people to showcase their feelings for a post without seeming to endorse what had been said. For example, when somebody would post, “Grandpa died last night. May he rest in peace”, it got mega awkward when Stephanie from eighth grade English “Liked” it.

Then again, maybe Stephanie is just one sick and twisted individual, but I digress… The new reactions allowed users to express their Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry towards a post via simple emoticons, effectively answering the prayers for a “Dislike” button.



However, Belgian police have warned citizens to steer clear from the new Reactions, in order to protect their privacy. You see, the Belgian police claim that Facebook are using the reactions as a way to collect sensitive information from their users and use this information to alter the way they target their advertising.

So, just how are they capitalising on our emotions? Well this is what the Belgian police had to say…

The post Police Warn Facebook Users Not To Use The New “Reaction” Icons appeared first on Viral Thread.

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