Really Terrible Tattoos Saved By Really Good Artists

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Getting a tattoo is a serious endeavour, mainly because it will be etched onto your skin for eternity – and that’s not a canvas that you can just throw away if you don’t like the end result. Sadly tattoo failures are common, with lots of people opting for a cheap (and totally unprofessional) service.

When these tattoo horror shows occur, there are only really two options… One, sign up for some hugely expensive laser removal treatment, or two, get a really good tattoo artist to clean up the mess. The tattoos we’re about to show you have been transformed from awful to amazing by some inking experts.









I’d be so annoyed if this happened to me… especially as tattoos cost an absolute fortune! Flick over to the next page to see more disastrous ink salvaged by expert artists.

The post Really Terrible Tattoos Saved By Really Good Artists appeared first on Viral Thread.

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