School Bans Lesbian Couple From Being Prom King And Queen, Students Do The Most Awesome Thing

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At my high school we didn’t have a prom but rather, a school dance. I guess it works fairly similarly to that of a US prom except we don’t hold the tradition of a prom king and queen. We merely get dressed up and attend a fancy event at a great location with either a partner or a group of friends. I am however, familiar with how a typical prom in the US works. It is definitely a rite of passage, a tonne of fun and an evening that won’t be forgotten by most who attend.

prom activities

At Foothill High School however, an incident highlighted discrimination based on sexual orientation – and the two students involved did not take it lightly.

A lesbian couple at the school were nominated for prom king and queen alongside two other straight couples. Sadly, the couple were denied the privilege of running for king and queen because it wasn’t “fair to the boy gender”. Hayley Lack, one of the girls in question, took to Twitter to air her frustrations:

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As Lack says, “I won’t stand for it anymore” and stand for it she did not. Watch the video she made and uploaded onto YouTube over the page.

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