The Crazy Shopping List Of Student Who Was Made A Millionaire By Her Bank

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What would you do if you were to check your bank balance and realise that you suddenly had millions of dollars at your disposal? If your answer was “spend it”, I’m afraid you answered wrong – because this is exactly what happened to 21-year-old Christine Jiaxin Lee and she is not a happy bunny.

The 21-year-old chemical engineering student managed to engineer herself an incredibly bad situation when her bank, Westpac, accidentally gave her an “unlimited” overdraft. Instead of alerting them to this error, she went on the spending spree of the century.


Occurring in parallel, her lapse in judgment and the bank’s accounting error continued in this vein for four years. Ms Lee, a Malaysian national living in Australia, tried to hide the money by transferring around $5,000 per day into a number of secret bank accounts. However, it’s what she spent her money on which is the real story here. Find out how she blew $4.6 million over the page…

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