Exploiting beautiful animals for cruel circus entertainment remains one of the most barbaric threats to so many animal species. However, Mufasa the mountain lion has finally been given a taste of freedom after having spent his entire life chained to the back of a filthy truck.
Mufasa has recently been rescued from an illegal Peruvian circus, after the hopes of living a fulfilling life were cut short after he was captured by poachers as an infant and sold into the exotic pet trade. He has spent the last 20 YEARS moving from village to village and being FORCED TO PERFORM by his abusive owners.
Mufasa The Mountain Lion
Mufasa was not even given the luxury of a decently-sized cage. He was left to sleep in the back of a rusty truck alongside tent poles. Jan Creamer, president of Animal Defenders International (ADI), said in a statement:
“It was heartbreaking to see Mufasa chained among the circus equipment, living on the back of a pickup truck. A heavy harness and chains were wrapped around his body and as we cut them away, he stretched, free, for the first time.”
Mufasa’s disgusting owners didn’t give up him easily though…
The post Circus Mountain Lion Takes First Steps To Freedom After 20 Years In Chains appeared first on Viral Thread.