Guy Ruins His Chance With Dream Girl After This Group Chat F*ck Up

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The screenshot is one feature from smartphones that has the power to make or break you. It is mostly used for catching your friend’s ugly Snapchat before the timer runs out, so you can build a photo collage that will test your friendship. However it can be also be useful when that overly-friendly guy on Tinder is being off-key and you need to consult the group chat.

BUT. The number one rule when bitching about somebody via screenshot is to make sure you don’t f*ck up with where you send them. If only somebody had told this guy. Poor Dan.  With a screenshot of text messages his current girl had been sending him, he had meant to show his group chat how clingy she was. But what happened instead was awful.


Although it is easy to be distracted, being careful about who you send your texts to is important. What happened was going to change everything for Dan. Click next page to find exactly what went down.

The post Guy Ruins His Chance With Dream Girl After This Group Chat F*ck Up appeared first on Viral Thread.

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