Little Known Detail About Tissues Will Totally Blow Your Mind And Your Nose

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If you’ve ever been through a breakup, had a stinking cold that just won’t go away, or enjoy your own company a little too often (if you know what I mean), then you’ll know the true pleasure of a full box of Kleenex.

You’ll also know the frustrating feeling when you reach the end of a box and suddenly have nothing to mop you tear-strewn, snotty face on. How are you supposed to know when you’re about to reach the end of a box? It’s basically the world’s worst first world problem, and up until now there’s been nothing we could do about it.


But it turns out that the clever people at Kleenex have actually built in a failsafe way to tell when you’re coming to the end of the box, and it’s something that’s been there all along. Head over to the next page to discover the blindingly obvious trick that is set to revolutionise you nose blowing life.

The post Little Known Detail About Tissues Will Totally Blow Your Mind And Your Nose appeared first on Viral Thread.

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