This Homeless Body Builder Is A Beast And Deserves Your Respect

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Gyms and fitness clubs will have you believe that to achieve a rippling six-pack and bulging biceps you need to spend a fortune – but that’s just a clever marketing ploy. You don’t need fancy personal trainers and expensive machines to achieve Adonis status, oh no – all you need is willpower and motivation to get in shape.

How do I know this? Well I’ve seen it first hand, thanks to Jacques Sayagh. In his fifties, Jacques is unfortunately homeless, so he doesn’t have access to all the expensive extras and gadgets that today’s gym goers love to play with.


Living on the streets of Paris with his two dogs, Jacques is in the sort of shape some of us slackers can only dream of… but how does he do it? Flick over to the next page, where we explain Jacques’ incredible workout routine, and how he manages to actually compete as a body builder.

The post This Homeless Body Builder Is A Beast And Deserves Your Respect appeared first on Viral Thread.

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