This Is What Those Two Random Holes In Converse Shoes Are Actually For

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Anyone who says that they’ve never owned a pair of Converse is either lying, or they’ve owned a pair of cheap imitation ones (something of which I’m definitely guilty). Stylish and fashionable, the proper Converse trainers seem to have remained constant in the ever changing world of footwear, which is no mean feat.

One quick question, have you ever noticed the two holes on the sides of Converse trainers? I have, but I just presumed they were redundant, non-functional wastes of space. It turns out however that I was way off-base with that casual assumption.


Want to know more? Of course you do, it’s one of life’s biggest mysteries. Flick over to the next page, where we explain (with the help of a very informative and entertaining video) exactly what those lovely little holes are for.

The post This Is What Those Two Random Holes In Converse Shoes Are Actually For appeared first on Viral Thread.

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