Which One Of Your Chakras Is Most Dominant?(FREE eBook)

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Quiz: Which One Of Your Chakras Is Most Dominant?

The word ‘chakra’ is defined in modern terms by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “any of several points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body according to yoga philosophy.” It follows that there are 7 main chakras which are present throughout our bodies. Each one is an energy center that acts as a pump or valve by regulating and controlling the flow of energy through our energy systems. In turn, this idea relates directly back to the ancient meaning of the word “chakra,” which in Sanskrit terminology means “wheel” or “turning.” Thus, they are commonly viewed and imagined as whirlpools of flowing energy.

Each chakra is located in a specific area of the body and is associated with different meanings, traits, feelings, colors, gem stones, abilities, and more. The 1st chakra, or the root chakra, is red and located at the base of the spine. It’s also known as the Kundalini energy chakra and is associated with security, instinct, survival, and it helps stabilize and ground us. The 7th chakra is located at the top crown part of your head, is violet in color, and is where our spiritual connection, knowing, oneness, and understanding resides. The other five chakras are all in between these two and include the third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, and the abdomen.

Each one of us has a chakra that is stronger and more influential on our lives and behaviors than the others. Based on the choices you make, what appeals most to you, and how you view situations, you can figure out which one you’re most connected to at this moment in your life. Over time, the chakra you mainly operate from may change as you grow and become more aware or affected by different things on your life’s path.Credits:Andrew, source


If you are interested in learning more about the chakras, Holrehab is giving away ABSOLUTELY FREE the “System Activation Point” ebook by Stephanie Mulac. The book that reveals the secrets of chakras and how you activate or strengthen the ones to break away from an unsatisfying, unfulfilling existence and experience more wealth, vitality and happiness. Just fill-in your name and email address and check your inbox (and also the spam folder) for the download link.

The post Which One Of Your Chakras Is Most Dominant?(FREE eBook) appeared first on Holistic Rehab.

Credits:admin, source
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