Tiny Injured Bird Receives ‘Snowshoes’ To Heal Her Problem Feet

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Credit: CAWildlife.org
It’s actually quite common for young birds to experience knuckle, a condition which makes it difficult for them to perch, grasp objects or even walk around. Regardless, that doesn’t make the condition easy to live with.
For this reason, activists at the California Wildlife Center (CWC) helped a baby mockingbird “get back on her feet” in a very creative way. The Dodo relays that the rescuers made tiny “snowshoes” for the bird to train her feet back to how they should be.
CWC veterinarian Duane Tom, elaborates:
“Essentially, we used pieces of cardboard to tape her toes into their proper position. It usually takes a week or two of wearing the snowshoes before their feet are back to normal.”
Thanks to the ingenuity of the activists, the mockingbird’s feet have healed normally.


Credit: CAWildlife.org
Credit: CAWildlife.org


Credit: CAWildlife.org
Credit: CAWildlife.org
According to Tom, nearly all birds that are rescued with knuckle feet are able to be returned to the wild.

Credits:Amanda Froelich, source
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