A Comet Impact With Earth Could Wipe Out The Entire Human Race

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A Comet Impact With Earth Could Wipe Out The Entire Human Race
What if I told you that within the next 20 years, Earth will face an enemy that will be  1,000 times more catastrophic  than the detonation of every nuclear weapon on the planet? World-renowned author  Graham Hancock believes this could be our fate, and has warned the public that sometime over the next 20 years, Earth may collide with the remnants of a comet that will have a devastating impact on the planet and could potentially wipe out our entire civilization if we don’t do something. The hard truth to swallow is that Earth is in the direct path of approximately 500,000 asteroids and comets and NASA is unaware of the exact location of 498,000 of them. Every three to four thousand years, Earth gets hit by a deadly group of comet fragments, which pose significant risk to the planet. Hancock has presented evidence of comets wiping out entire civilizations and the Comet Research Group has been researching this subject for the past decade. It’s Not “If” A Comet Will Hit Us, But “When” Of the comets and astroids we actually know about, they range in size from as small as a house to as wide as a football field. The smallest ones would still be able to completely destroy one of Earth’s largest cities and the largest ones could generate explosions significantly worse than what the world’s largest atomic bombs could produce. Any one of these could be headed toward our planet and we wouldn’t even know it, partially because, in the past, there weren’t always warning signs, and in part because we don’t conduct enough research on this subject. Comet Research Group (CRG) is part of a non-profit charitable organization comprised of 63 scientists from 55 universities in 16 countries. The group’s research has been showcased on numerous mainstream and scientific outlets, including the History Channel, National Geographic, Discovery Channel, and PBS’s NOVA. The group has made significant advances in scientific research, including the discoveries of two past “killer comets” that hit Earth. One of these comets destroyed an entire city in the Middle East, killing thousands of people and leaving the city uninhabitable for centuries. The other comet collided with Earth towards the end of the Ice Age — a far more catastrophic event, killing tens of thousands of people. This particular comet was also responsible for the extinction of millions of animals, including mammoths and mastodons. To put that into perspective, if a comet the same size were to hit Earth right now, it would change our world as we know it. ( source ) What Happened When Past Comets Collided With Earth Many people assume that the last time we had a devastating visitor from space, it was the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. There have been numerous examples throughout history of space rocks landing on Earth, one as recent as three years ago. In 2013, a space rock hit a small city in Russia, Chelyabinsk, damaging 7,000 buildings and seriously injuring 1,500 people. Another rock that hit Tunguska, Russia, in 1908 caused mass destruction, flattening over 80 million trees. That’s the equivalent to obliterating New York City. ( source ) Graham Hancock, author of Fingerprints of the Gods , has researched this subject extensively and continues to do so (check out Hancock’s podcast on the G Coletti Show here ). In his findings, he discovered that a cataclysmic extinction event, similar to the comet that destroyed the dinosaurs, also occurred between 11-12,000 years ago, narrowing down the exact date to approximately 11,800 years. Hancock compared this timeline to the accounts from Plato about the abrupt disappearance of Atlantis, theorizing that the two events coincided. He suggests that Plato’s account of the sinking of Atlantis by a cataclysmic flood, as described in mythical accounts around the world, actually occurred as a result of this comet. Hancock also suggests that the demise of Atlantis took place when scientists started seeking greater external control and material gain, so “the universe slapped it down” with a comet (read more about that in our article  here ). If Hancock’s hypothesis is true, then what does that mean for humanity? It’s no secret that scientists and researchers are often bought off by corporations and the elite to falsify their findings. Let’s hope that if Hancock is correct in his statement about Atlantis, we aren’t facing the same grim fate. How the Comet Research Group is Identifying Comets The Comet Research Group has identified a 12,800 year old dark, charcoal rich layer, often referred to as the Black Mat. Black Mats can be found at approximately 100 different sites across the globe. The layer occasionally forms directly on top of the bones of extinct animals. Directly beneath this layer, there are also thousands of tonnes of tiny diamonds, each one smaller than the size of a virus. However, if you were to combine all of these tiny diamonds and roll them into a ball, the size would be comparable to your average New York City skyscraper. Around this layer, you can also find millions of tonnes of iron spherules. The most interesting part of all of this is to consider  how  all of these items could be produced and end up all together. It would require a temperature hot enough to melt an entire automobile. Scientists’ answer: a comet. The research published by the Comet Research Group proves that these comet attacks aren’t random, but rather a recurring pattern of impacts. Their findings show that we are actually entering a period of “enhanced bombardment.” It’s no longer a question of if these comets will hit us, but when. NASA spends $50 million on comet research annually. Even though this sounds like a significant amount of money, it’s not nearly enough to fund the amount of large-scale research this subject deserves. The U.S. government refuses to fund this research any further. So, like many other topics, it’s up to us to further research and discover the truth for ourselves. Here’s How You Can Help The underlying message here is that  we can prevent our extinction. This isn’t the dinosaur era; we are far more technologically advanced, so if we research more into space rocks and comets, we can work toward saving our planet and its inhabitants. Comet Research Group just launched their first IndieGoGo campaign, so if you would like to learn more and support their cause, click here . The campaign aims to raise enough funds to cover their upcoming expeditions, which you can learn about in the video below. The following video also provides a detailed overview of past comets and how “killer comets” could affect our future.

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