20+ Hilariously Inappropriate Kids’ Drawings

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When you go through training to become a teacher, often you’re told to ask your students open ended, as opposed to yes or no, questions about their work. For example, instead of saying, “Is that a lion riding a school bus?” ask “What did you draw?” Answer: little junior in a canoe. You get the idea.

But sometimes kids’ drawings are too good not to have a little internal adult chuckle. Microphone? That looks just like a…! We dedicate this list of hilariously inappropriate kids’ drawings to you, dear parents, and everyone else who’s been called in by a teacher to explain that they’re pole salesmen, not poll dancers.

Has your kid drawn something hilarious in this special way? Submit the pictures below, or vote on your favorites!

My 5yr old daughter drew a picture of her at the farm (school excursion) holding a shovel

my daughters kinder flower – the kindy teacher kindly sent me a pic via sms

Looks like Rudolph is getting excited about Christmas already

My Sons pic of a ‘Dinosaur’ from when he was 4

And one night while we were listening to old school rap he drew two turn tables

this is the start of my son’s dinosaur

My 5-year-old did this for preschool. Mummy and daddy on their wedding day

One boy has been drinking orange juice & the other blackcurrant juice

It’s meant to be the bus from the wheels on the bus go rough and round

My son was studying famine etc and this was his poster to raise awareness and money. I promise he’s ‘spoon’ feeding a child

This kindy child followed the instructions too well

When your son draws a picture of himself flipping the bird on your Mother’s Day card

My son drew this last year in kindy! It’s supposed to be a fish with its tail out the bottom there

I haven’t quite decided if my son has made me a poop or a dinky

My 4-year-old son’s drawing of Santa. Yep that’s his hat

My daughter’s skeleton this is in the classroom. Apparently a daddy skeleton

My son drew his sister. Those are fairy wings of course

This was my daughters artwork about a monkey and a lion

Portrait miss 3 did of her dad!!

This is my daughter Billie’s drawing of a fox running away from an alien

Made a book for my dad for Father’s Day. My 13 year old sister could use practice drawing whistles

My friends kid drew a whale

I think the kid meant “cook”

I worked a kindergarten graduation service where the kids drew their own programs. Obviously it’s a lighthouse

When I grow up

My son’s Christmas card design

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