How To Make A Fake Window In Your Basement

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Basement apartments are often a bargain, but are they worth the potential problems with mold and lack of sunlight? Reddit user thatdbeagoodbandname decided that she and her husband would brighten their subterranean dwelling by putting in a lit, false window. And the cost? Just 150 USD!

All it took was a 2×4 frame with an acrylic cover, some cornstarch, and two, LED, grow lights. The cornstarch was applied to the plastic to diffuse light; cheap plastic molding was used to create the impression of a frame; and curtains were hung to give the window an “at home” feel. And voila!

More info: thatdbeagoodbandname

Would you guess that this window is in a basement?


thatdbeagoodbandname spent just $150 on the project


She used 2 LED grow lights from the hardware store


A frame with an acrylic cover acts as the false window


A cornstarch matte was used to diffuse the light through the plastic


She hung simple curtains to make everything more cozy


The finishing touches? Plastic molding to create a frame



The final result!


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