The Hypnotizing Beauty Of Iranian Mosque Ceilings

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Middle Eastern architecture is renowned for its kaleidoscopic beauty. If you haven’t had a chance, yet, to witness it for yourself, Instagram photographer m1rasoulifard can take you on a mesmerizing visual journey. He captures the best of Iran’s architectural details in his hypnotizing photos.

From the Jāmeh Mosque, one of the oldest still standing in Iran, to Chahār Bāgh school, the photographer aims to show the history of Iranian architecture and design.

For more Iranian mosque interiors, you can also have a look at this post. Because they are historic structures, many of these mosques also impose heavy restrictions on photography, so these photos are a real treat!

More info: Instagram (h/t: designboom)

Hazrate-Masomeh’s mosque in Qom, Iran

Sheikh Lotfollah mosque in Esfahan, Iran, 400 years old

Hazrate-Masomeh’s mosque in Qom, Iran

Jameh’s mosque in Esfahan, Iran, 900 years old

Chahar-Bagh’s school in Esfahan, Iran

Heikh-Lotfollah’s mosque in Esfahan,Iran

Palace of Shah Abbas Safavi, Iran, 400 years ago

Shahe-Cheragh’s mosque in Shiraz, Iran

Hafez’s tomb in Shiraz, Fars, Iran

Sheikh-Lotfolah’s mosque in Esfahan, Iran

Chehel-soton’s palace in Esfahan, Iran

Shahe-Cheragh’s mosque in Shiraz, Iran

Jameh’s mosque in Esfahan, Iran, 900 years old

Sheikh Lotfollah mosque in Esfahan, Iran, 400 years old

Hazrate-Masomeh’s mosque in Qom, Iran

Hazrate-Masomeh’s mosque in Qom, Iran

Shah mosque in Esfahan, Iran, 400 years old

Jameh’s mosque in Esfahan, Iran, 900 years old

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