Couple Adopts A Stray Cat And Finds He’s Not Like The Other Cats

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When Sara Nozaki and Grant Olson adopted their stray cat Wilbur, they had no idea that they actually got a tiny person trapped in a cat’s body. The couple soon discovered that Wilbur sits just like a human!

“Grant was casually browsing the New York City subreddit, where he found a post with Wilbur’s picture saying, ‘does this cat belong to anyone?’,” Nozaki told LoveMeow. “Grant half jokingly commented, ‘hey, if you can’t find his owner, I might be willing to take him’.” Two days later he did.

“Wilbur actually doesn’t sit like that ALL the time but he does sometimes,” she added. “His torso is either too long or his legs are too short, so he always sits in odd positions.”

More info: Instagram (h/t: lovemeow)

When Sara and Grant adopted Wilbur he seemed like an ordinary stray cat


However, they soon noticed something very strange


Wilbur sits just like a human!



“We think his spine is abnormally long or his legs are abnormally short. But he’s…extraordinarily cute to us”


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