Melissa Hie is the “girl” in Girl Eat World, a travel blog and Instagram account that documents the delicious treats she eats while on the go. Hie started travelling in 2009 when she moved by herself to Singapore; in 2010, after a short trip to Thailand, Hie knew that she was hooked, and has been travelling ever since. The excerpt below recounts the Girl Eat World origin story:
“In the summer of 2013, I went on my first backpacking trip to Europe by myself,” explain Hie. “I didn’t feel like asking strangers to take pictures of me and I’m not too fond of selfies, but I AM always eating so I took pictures of food at whatever memorable site I was in. Then I posted these pictures to my personal Facebook where I received positive feedback from friends so I kept on taking one at every city I visited, for my own personal amusement.”