“Girl Eat World” Instagram Features The Tastiest Street Food From Around The World

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Melissa Hie is the “girl” in Girl Eat World, a travel blog and Instagram account that documents the delicious treats she eats while on the go. Hie started travelling in 2009 when she moved by herself to Singapore; in 2010, after a short trip to Thailand, Hie knew that she was hooked, and has been travelling ever since. The excerpt below recounts the Girl Eat World origin story:

“In the summer of 2013, I went on my first backpacking trip to Europe by myself,” explain Hie. “I didn’t feel like asking strangers to take pictures of me and I’m not too fond of selfies, but I AM always eating so I took pictures of food at whatever memorable site I was in. Then I posted these pictures to my personal Facebook where I received positive feedback from friends so I kept on taking one at every city I visited, for my own personal amusement.”

More info: girleatworld.net | Instagram (h/t: designtaxi)

Mooncake, China

Gai Daan Zai (eggette), Hong Kong

Strawberry Watermelon cake, Australia

Strawberry Daiquiri, Greece


Ang Koo kuih, Armenia

Donkey Burger , China

Blue Coconut Ice Cream, Malta

Strawberry Dessert, Paris

Hello Kitty dim sum, China

Koulouri , Greece

Hello Kitty donut, Japan

99 Flake, United Kingdom

Kandil Simidi, Turkey

White Wine, Australia

Dumplings, China

Fish-shaped Taiyaki, Japan

Panda-bun, Japan

Teh Kotak, Indonesia

Dumplings, China

Doubutsu Donut, Japan

Sakura-flavored ice cream, Japan

Hanami dango, Japan

Pisang Goreng (Banana Fritters), Indonesia

Dark chocolate, Australia

Simple breadroll, Germany

Kumar Cake, Taiwan

Frozen Yogurt, Malta

Schneeball, Germany

French Fry, United Kingdom

Thé à la menthe (Mint Tea), Morocco

Spring Roll, Vietnam

Chicken Eggs, Japan

Agemanju, Japan

Gelato, Germany

Takoyaki (Octopus ball), Japan

Bowl Of Pho, Vietnam

Sushi roll, Japan

Coconut Ice Cream, Thailand

Fish & Chips, United Kingdom

Strawberry Ice Cream, Austria

Pudina Paratha, India

Mini taiyaki, United Kingdom

Rice Cake, Korea

Toblerone, Switzerland

Kimbap, Korea

Rose Gelato, Paris

Ice Cream, Japan

Pistachio Gelato, Italy

Grilled Sausage Skewer, Korea

Ladurée macaron, Switzerland

32cm ice cream cone, Korea

Puff, Myanmar

Stone-baked Crackers, Myanmar

Gingerbread Man, United Kingdom

Tahu Gejrot, Indonesia

Gelato, Italy

Strawberries dipped in chocolate, Belgium

Hanami dango, Japan

Savory Pancake, Taiwan

Smiley Cookie, Autralia

Bingtang hulu, China

Hokkaido Ice cream, Japan

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