Me And My Wife Create Fantasy Creatures From Another World

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We are Katyushka – Kasia and Jacek Anyszkiewicz – marriage with a shared passion of creating artistic dolls from the fantasy world.

It all starts in Kasia’s head. Then she draws, sculpts, paints and finishes. I- Jacek, as a professional chemical engineer, deal with the technical side (moulding, casting).

We create everything from scratch – 100% made by hands, using the highest quality materials, with an attention to the smallest detail.

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Forest Turtles

Albino Hedgehog

Baby Spider

Polar Bat

Baby Spider

Ginger Bat


Polish Pickles

Baby Bat

Baby Hedgehog

Dappled Bat

Friendly Snail

Black Bat


Gipsy Troll



Black Turtle

Baby Dragon

Dark Green Turtle

Little Strawberries

Green Caterpillar

Hairy Turtle

Chilling Troll

Happy Snail

Polar Turtle

Family of Trolls


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