Elephants Rush To Help Friend Who Fell During Cruel Circus Stunt [Watch]

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Without a doubt, elephants are one of the most empathetic animals on the planet. Sadly, most humans do not regard the majestic beasts as feeling, intelligent creatures, and it’s for this reason that millions continue to suffer today.
Aside from poaching (which is predicted to wipe out all African elephants within the next decade), elephants continue to be paraded around in parks for tourists in Asia and in circuses around the world.
Now and again, footage surfaces reminding activists why it’s not acceptable for these matriarchal mammals to live in captivity.
In the video below, an elephant can be seen performing a dangerous stunt and then attempting to dismount. Before he can reach the ground, however, the pyramid of stools begins to crumble and, in effect, the elephant falls a painful six feet to the ground. Audience members can be heard screaming as authorities attempt to keep all attendees calm.

As soon as the elephant crashes into the ground – narrowly missing the first row of onlookers, two other elephants standing just outside the center of the ring rush into view to check on their fallen friend.
Footage from another angle, shared by The Dodo, reveals the concerned animals lingering by the fallen elephant’s side as he struggles to get back up on his feet.

Belarus media outlets report that the elephant was not injured and will continue to perform with the circus again – much to the dismay of animal rights activists.
If this video proves anything, it’s that 1) elephants are far more caring and empathetic than humans give them credit for and 2) that the mighty creatures deserve to live their lives freely and in the wild. They – like all animals – do not exist to entertain humans.
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Credits:Amanda Froelich, source
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