The name okra is most used in the Philippines, the U.S and the U.K, with a variant pronunciation in Nigeria and Caribbean English of okra. However, this plant is commonly referred to as “lady`s fingers”.
It has an exceptional nutritional value and only a cup of raw okra provides the following:
– 30 calories
– 2 grams of protein
– 3 grams of dietary fiber
– 60 milligrams of magnesium
– 80 micrograms of folate
– 21 milligrams of vitamin C
– 1 grams of fat
– 6 grams of carbohydrates
This vegetable can be consumed in various ways, such as stewed, boiled, pickled, or fried. However, no matter how you prepare it, it provides the same health benefits. Among them are:
– Reduces the amount of glucose absorbed by the food through the gastrointestinal tract
– Alleviates asthma
– Boosts immunity
– Prevents kidney disease
– Lowers cholesterol levels
– It is beneficial for diabetics
Below, you have a very simple recipe how to prepare okra to keep blood sugar levels in check.
Take 4 okras and remove their heads and tails. Then, put 2-3 cuts into a glass of water and leave them overnight. Consume the water half an hour before breakfast. For more information, check out the video below!
Credits:besthealthyguide, source