Pregnant Dog Totally Rocks Her Maternity Photo Shoot

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Maternity photo shoots. Just when you thought you’d seen it all, Lilica happened. Snapped by Brazilian photographer Ana Paula Grillo, the pregnant dog proudly displays her baby bump in all its glory. This mama-to-be sets the whole new standard for looking fab.

Grillo told Bored Panda that the photo shoot lasted only 20 minutes.  “It was amazing, I felt like I understood her completely,” Grillo explained. “She made sensational poses!” The next day, Lilica gave birth to 5 amazing puppies.

While maternity is definitely something worth celebrating, and while all the pups have found homes among Lilica owner’s family members, way too many unfortunate ones end up on the streets. So Bored Panda would like to remind everybody of the importance of spaying and neutering your pets. It not only helps to reduce the number of strays; it also benefits your pets’ health.

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Thank you, Ana Paula Grillo, for talking to us about your amazing photo shoot!

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