11 Awesome Things Identical Twins Got Away With That No One Else Could Do

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If you were born with a carbon copy of yourself, then you probably already know there are some serious perks to living life as a twin. You can get up to all sorts of mischief that normal humans couldn’t get away with. Not only is it possible to prank and confuse everyone you know, it’s expected.

These twins are doing it right. They’re blowing people’s minds and cheating the system, one twin at a time.

1. Break Face Swap

Wait, have they swapped faces yet? I can’t even tell.

2. Stand in for each other’s pictures

If you hate being in photos, just get your twin to be in it for you.

Twins 1

3. Confuse your children

In this hilarious video, a dad introduces his daughter to his twin brother for the first time. The look of confusion on her face is priceless.

4. Give new meaning to the phrase “double date”

Well this is sort of trippy.


The post 11 Awesome Things Identical Twins Got Away With That No One Else Could Do appeared first on Viral Thread.

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