12 Scorned Lovers Who Went Way Too Far To Get Back At Their Ex

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If I have learnt anything from Beyoncé’s latest album, Lemonade. It’s that it doesn’t matter how voluptuous your figure is or how beautiful your face is, anyone can get cheated on. Seriously, if Queen Bey’s hubby can be unfaithful to her, what hope do the rest of us have?

Evidently Bee chose to get back at her man – who rumour has it couldn’t keep his mouse in the house around “Becky with the good hair” – by lacing her lyrics with a theme of infidelity. However, these jilted lovers decided to seek revenge in a completely different way entirely, and they went way too far in the process.

1. The finger

This guy decided to move into a house next to his ex-wife and proceeded to erect this bronze statue in the direction of her new pad – which she shares with her boyfriend.


2. The ultimate revenge 

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3. From now on, I’m watching the C-SPAN network 

4. A petty delight 

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If you thought what these scorned lovers did was bad, you should see what this dude did to get his own back on his best man who slept with his finance…

The post 12 Scorned Lovers Who Went Way Too Far To Get Back At Their Ex appeared first on Viral Thread.

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