Beyoncé Caught Up In Further Controversy Following “Terrible” Photoshop Fail

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Earlier this week Beyoncé sent the internet into a frenzy when she dropped her new album, Lemonade – which may I add is off the frickin’ chain. However, Queen B’s latest release hasn’t been without its critics and has been steeped in major controversy.

Firstly, fans were majorly pissed when they heard it was initially only going to be released on her hubby’s streaming service, Tidal. Then secondly, the lyrics have urged everyone to consider whether or not Jay-Z really has cheated – which in turn has urged pretty much every girl to question if their man has been unfaithful too.


Unfortunately the disputes surrounding Bey don’t stop there. Fans have also got their knickers in a twist over an image that was posted of the megastar online, which appears to have been heavily Photoshopped.

As we all know, the Crazy In Love singer’s voluptuous body is pretty much flawless. Merely looking at her womanly curves could make a heterosexual female like myself go weak at the knees. Yet magazines still feel the need to edit ‘perfection’ and the internet is not happy…

The post Beyoncé Caught Up In Further Controversy Following “Terrible” Photoshop Fail appeared first on Viral Thread.

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